Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Recap

We had a very busy and productive weekend.

On Saturday; Caleb and I woke up early and enjoyed the fresh crisp morning air as we went for a walk around the 'hood & got the mail.  Our mailman must really hate us since we only check the mail once a week or when we are expecting something!  After breakfast and me failing to make doughnuts on the stove (ended up being baked doughnuts) we met a good friend Ashlee and her daughter Riley at the park and had fun reuniting until the sun got too hot and our kiddos ended up getting crabby - yeah I take that back.. my child got crabby and Riley decided she needed to use the potty.

After lunch and a nap for Caleb we drove to Cedar Park and celebrated (Ben's sister) Meg's 27th birthday with her family.  They had an AWESOME blow up swimming pool with two slides in their backyard - Caleb & Mallory both enjoyed sliding down the big slide.  I even tried once.. once was more than enough.. the landing was a bit harsh.


Then we had dinner at The Oasis.  
If you haven't been and you're in the area you should check it out.  

Frankly, I'd only go back for the view and the people watching.  From what most women were wearing I'd swear they didn't own a mirror (they sure had nice beemers though).. but that's just my opinion!  
In all honesty the food was ridiculously overpriced and tasted like bar food with very few options to choose from. & beware, our generous waiter added a $27 gratuity fee to our check because we had two children under 4 years old who didn't even eat their food - making our "group" equal 7 people total. 



Sunday; Caleb and I spent a lazy day at the house since Ben was working but we did eventually venture out to Cabela's & then Dan's Hamburgers in Buda.

Caleb slept so good last night that I actually had to wake him up to take him to daycare this morning!  As opposed to him waking up to the sound of the shower in the mornings.  Being a full time working Mama is so tiring but I wouldn't change it for the world!  

Well as I yawn mid-sentence it's off to bed I go :-: hope y'all have a wonderful night!

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