Sunday, August 25, 2013

Daycare is for the birds - or is it?

So I've posted before that Caleb is in daycare because Ben and I both work full time.  I had always hoped that when we had children I could be a stay at home Mama and do all kinds of cool projects, go to free museums, make delicious food, and the like.  But I quickly realized that is a faraway dream.  So far Caleb has been to two full time child care facilities - meaning he's there at least 50 hours a week!!  


I should have known that the first one was too good to be true; we paid a little over $600 a month and it was right across the street (in downtown Austin, TX) from Ben's office.  So needless to say Ben would drop him off and then go to work and during the day he would check on him and I'd go see him at lunch (since my office is down I-35 a little way).

This worked okay for about a month until we noticed that he came home with drenched bibs, they used 10+ diapers a day, and he had HORRIBLE out of this world diaper rash, and he caught croup at 3 months old!  So one day Ben decided to show up unannounced and what did he find you ask?!  They had Caleb in a baby rocker all strapped in with a bottle propped and since his head was turned most of the milk was running onto his bib, we were pissed to say the least!!  Not only could he have choked on the milk - NO ONE was watching him at 3 months old plus they were wasting my hard earned breastmilk!!  & who knows what they did with the extra diapers that we supplied - but I do know they weren't used on Caleb.  We promptly filed a report with the state and took him out of that poor environment.

If you live in Austin, Texas - never take your child(ren) to Rosewood Oaks on 16th & Lavaca.


First Class Child Development Center has been amazing!  Once we took Caleb out of the state daycare we moved him here.  He currently attends the Buda location but in October he will be moving to the Austin location (which is in the same neighborhood we live in now).  Yes, it is quite a bit more expensive than the last - about $840 a month.

Truth be told we've had our share of challenges over the past year but unlike the last place the teachers & the director here are AMAZING!  We told them what we had experienced beforehand and they made sure that none of that has occurred again.  I have nothing but good things to say about this childcare facility! The children are taught montessori style, child to teacher ratios are super low (his class right now has four children), staff members make all food on location & it's healthy, staff is super friendly and ready to help with anything, and lots of other good stuff!

Overall it's been a challenge - especially with Sema and the 1626 road construction going on.  Yes, I am late to work every morning because of it - and probably more so now since school will start tomorrow - but come October I won't be and I'm counting my blessings for that!


I hope everyone has had a great weekend!  & if you have yougin's starting/going to school tomorrow - make sure to take all kinds of pictures!  I'm off to wake up my little monster who has been napping for the past 3 hours. :D

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