Thursday, August 29, 2013

Toy's We're Currently Lovin'

Caleb has a lot of toys! 

 Some are hand-me-downs from his sweet cousin Mallory (she always informs us that she has the same ones at her house), others are hand-me-downs from people that Ben works with (which we are very grateful for), some are from his birthday, and then some are from me splurging at the store because "it's just TOOOOO cute/cool."  Ben normally rolls his eyes at that one.  HA!


But of course there are a handful that Caleb plays with on a daily basis and I'll share 'em here..

VTech Bouncing Colors Turtle - this is one that Mallory "has at home" aka she is sharing with us but doesn't know it.  Caleb LOVES this toy - he climbs on and off a million times in a row and pushes all the buttons a thousand times and drives me crazy!!  His legs aren't currently long enough to touch the ground and bounce himself so when he gets really antsy and wants to bounce either Ben or myself get a really nice arm workout - hey it counts!!

Fisher-Price Learning Home - this is another toy that Mallory "has at home" aka is sharing with us but doesn't know it.  Caleb has LOVED this ever since he first discovered it was dropped off for him about 6 months ago.  However he likes to hide the pieces; for instance we currently only have one shape, one ball, but all of the envelopes.. I'm pretty sure he has either hid the rest in his room or shoved the rest under the couch.. stinker!  C & Ben like to play like Ben is smashing his head into the door and C often gets the hiccups from laughing so much - it is quite a sight - & I try to record it as often as it happens.. maybe one day I will figure out how to upload them to this blog!

Fisher-Price LP Music Parade Ride-On - this toy Ben brought home from a co-worker a month ago and Caleb is constantly climbing on and off and pushing all the buttons and again driving me crazy!  We have had one issue with this toy though - C tried to lean forward while sitting on it to grab another toy off the floor and wound up falling forward and hitting his forehead on the floor.  Luckily he was okay and didn't need stitches or anything - he wouldn't even let me put an ice pack on it - and I even bought a cute monster one from the Target dollar bins!!

LeapFrog My Talking LapPup - this was a birthday present from some very sweet family friends.  C plays with this in the car every single day - to and from daycare, the store, & basically anywhere we go in the car.  After awhile he normally chunks it on the floor because he gets bored but not before turning the volume ALL THE WAY UP!!  I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose.. 

Megabloks Build'n Go Wagon Classic - another birthday present from his sweet Auntie Megan, Uncle Randy, and Cousin Mallory.  Of course he also received extra mega blocks from a sweet co-worker that we proceeded to dump in with these.  The night of his birthday, C dumped all of the blocks out and climbed in and we pulled him around the house - he had a blast!  Now he has gotten bigger and can't do that any longer.  But he does take one out at a time, put them back one at a time, and flip the handle up and down - just to hear the noise I'm sure.. 


I always try to rotate his toys when he either is sleeping/napping, not looking, or is out of the house - but he always manages to find where I've {tried to hide} them and they always end up everywhere again.  I about broke my leg tonight when I stepped on a toy car trying to tip-toe into his room to kiss him good night.  I'm still glad that he didn't wake up when I tried to hold my swear word in..

Parenting is so much fun & I wouldn't have it any other way.  Plus I get to practice my bend & snap by picking up toys every night - admit it.. you know you laughed!

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