Friday, August 30, 2013

Cancel ALL the nice things I said about C's daycare

..okay maybe not all.  Their infant teachers are amazing.  Zela, Melissa, Sally, and Heather are AMAZING and the infant room was so welcoming!!  I could literately drop off/pick up Caleb and stay an extra 30 minutes just talking to them & the other babies when Caleb allowed me to do so - he got really jealous at times.  Thus making me late to work pretty much every day - but whateves.. I always made it up so my bosses didn't mind.  Over the year they became such good friends to us - I miss them now!  Once Caleb was moved to the 1 year old room the trouble began..


Last Thursday, he came home with adult fingernail marks underneath both of his underarms that broke the skin - like someone had grabbed him from behind intentionally.  I immediately had the director/owner on the phone and she was going to call everyone that was in his room and find out who did it.. supposedly.  The last conversation we had in her office (that I took off work to attend, mind you) regarding this incident - she informed me that none of the teachers came forward and owned up to it.  So she ended up cutting hours and having the staff sign an agreement about keeping their nails short.. the end.  Needless to say, Ben & I were both fuming!

So Friday came and went and no more incidents occurred so we figured, great they learned.  I should have known not to count my blessings so soon..

Monday afternoon, I showed up to pick up C and he had a busted lip - the teachers/owner tried to give me some bullshit (excuse my language) excuse about how they thought that occurred.. yep you read that right.. "they thought."  The fact that they didn't call and let me know what happened pissed me off & then the fact that an injury report wasn't even written up didn't help matters either.

Tuesday afternoon; I pick Caleb up from "school" and we drive home as usual - though I notice he's a bit more fussy than normal.  We get home and I do the normal routine of undressing him down to a diaper and I discover a bite mark on his rib cage.. again I call up the director/owner immediately and she nor any of the other teachers know anything about this.  Even though they supposedly do 3 routine mark checks during the day.. & you guessed it.. no injury report was written up again!  I advised her that I would be waiting for the past 3 injury reports from them that were never written up in the morning when I drop him off..

After receiving 3 bogus injury reports where they never should have wasted the time/paper/ink they did to write the crap they wrote.  "Teachers didn't know when this occurred - teachers didn't know how this occurred," no shit - I could have told you that, moron!!

Wednesday morning, I get a call while I'm at work that Caleb had run into a wall in his room.  This sounded way off to me but I decided not to push it - as we had already complained more than once this week and we were only 3 days into the week itself.  

So I was really irritated when I showed up to pick him up that afternoon and noticed he had a good sized bruise under his chin with a scrape mark and of course none of the teachers knew what happened/where it happened/etc...

Notice a pattern?!?!

Thursday morning while I'm at work, I get a call from the director/owner and she is basically trying to blame me for the bruise on his chin that they FINALLY noticed - no way jose!!  I cut her off mid sentence and again stated that the bruise they FINALLY noticed happened sometime when he was at her place of business in her staff's care and to not try to blame that shit on me!  She immediately started to apologize for her use of wordage..

At this time we started thinking about filing a report against her business and her staffs negligence to watch our son. 

 I'm pretty sure I told her that I felt like I was wasting almost $900 a month because her staff weren't even watching our child!

So we think everything is all sorted out and I pick him up from "school" and hear the afternoon "lead teacher" tell me that he has, "some diaper rash that they are trying to clear up.." - so I'm thinking.. okay he gets diaper rash from time to time.. maybe it's something he ate.  We get home and I strip him completely (no diaper - no nothing) and what I find literally breaks my heart into little itty bitty pieces..

Caleb doesn't just have diaper rash - he has diaper WELTS like he sat in a soggy/poopy diaper ALL DAY LONG.  I would have gone to jail if I were closer to any of his teachers at that point!  

I was furious - I immediately put neosporine on every single welt/blister that he had, called Ben, he in turn called the director/owner who didn't answer - surprise surprise!  C went naked until bath time.. where he screamed at the top of his lungs because it hurt so bad.  Prior to bath time, he wouldn't sit in his highchair and eat dinner - so he ate next to nothing for dinner.  And after bath he didn't want his normal night time bottle at all. . I ended up rocking/singing to him until he fell asleep - where he promptly started taking his bottle in my arms while he was asleep.

After I got him settled; I told Ben I was filing a report stat and nothing anyone said could prevent me from it - & I did!!  While I was doing this the director/owner called Ben back and tried to sugarcoat everything stating that she knew for a fact that her staff changed him (although she hadn't been there all day long) and that they wouldn't let him sit in a mess all day long and blah blah blah..

So once again we are on the hunt for a wonderful atmosphere for Caleb - where they will treat him like a prince.. I'll let y'all know what happens.. my blood still gets boiling whenever I think about this past weeks events.

I'm going to kiss my sweet boy & settle down with a good book!  G'Night!!

{love this little boy - busted lip & all}

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