We are currently battling a horrific case of diaper rash, more on that at a later date..
I was almost out of ideas on how to solve our problem until someone mentioned using milk of magnesia and cornstarch. So now our routine for bath time is a bit longer but it really seems to be helping!!
- We give C a bath like normal with his Burt's Bees Shampoo & his Dove Soap for sensitive skin - darn eczema!
- Then we rinse him down and fill the tub/sink back up with warm water and half a packet of Aveeno Soothing Bath and he gets a cup and whoever is bathing him gets another and we "play & splash"and make sure to get all of his skin covered with some oatmeal bath water for about 10 minutes.
- Then we take him out & drain the water {the oatmeal bath treatment leaves a layer behind so make sure to wash clean} and instead of rubbing the water off of him with a towel we dab him dry with a towel.
- We lay him down; apply neosporine to the worst places, using a cotton swab we dab milk of magnesia to the entire area, & cover the entire area with cornstarch {it's better if there are no clumps}.
- We then use a piece of gauze for the worst areas {or where the diaper rubs}.
- We put the diaper on.
- Add shorts/pants.
- Add shirt.
- Add his "cape" aka sleepsack.
- Comb his hair.
- Attempt to use the nasal spray & hospital nose sucker.
- Check for rabbits {in his ears}.
- Give everyone {Nana, Dada, & Momma} hugs & open mouth kisses.
- Wave nigh-night to everyone.
- Then rock/hum/sing him to sleep with his night time bottle.
We had been using Dr. Brown's Diaper Rash Cream and it worked wonders but the milk of magnesia & cornstarch is really working well! Also someone told me to try baking soda & warm water if it starts getting bad again. Hopefully it'll be cleared up before he goes back to school on Tuesday!
Here is to having labor day off - woohoo for state holidays!
{& I wonder what happens to the blinds sometimes - caught in the act!!}
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