Sunday, August 18, 2013

Traveling With A Toddler: Things To ALWAYS Have In Your Vehicle

A few days ago my Dad had mentioned that I had a lot of things in my car (granted it hadn't been cleaned in who knows how long..HA) but it got me to thinking about the most important things to have in your vehicle at ALL times when you have a toddler traveling companion..


 {one . two . three . four}

{one}: Chicco Liteway Stroller (or an umbrella stroller of some sort) - After strapping Caleb in countless umbrella type strollers and "test-driving" them around BuyBuyBaby - yes I really did!  I chose the Chicco; Caleb is tall for his age and most of the other strollers I liked and fit my budget didn't fit him.  For example: his legs practically drug on the floor, they didn't recline at all, and his head had no support.  The Chicco has all of these amenities and then some - check it out if you don't believe me!  Yes, I ended up stretching my budget but I had a 20% off coupon and it fits him/fits in my trunk without using up all the room!  I'd say that's a win-win!!

{two}: Portable potty - Although it's pictured in the image above we don't have a babybjorn potty - in fact I picked two up at a garage sale when I was still pregnant for $1 a piece - talk about a score!  Since Caleb is still in diapers, this is currently not in my car yet but there is one in the bathroom that he currently likes to lift the lid and see what's inside - smartypants that one!  However my friend Ashlee (you can check out her awesome blog here) and her adorable daughter Riley showed Caleb and I how it's done on the run yesterday morning at the park. :)

{three}: Snacks - I cannot stress this enough!!  These are an essential in a happy child.  Whether it be puffs, fruit, crackers, yogurt bites, or whatever.. ALWAYS have these in your vehicle at all times!!

{four}: Toys - Caleb LOVES his LeapFrog LapPup Scout so much!  He pushes the buttons and listens to the sounds and mimickes everything.  I must say that this toy gets on my nerves pretty quickly though I've learned to tune it out pretty well.

{five . six . seven . eight}

{five}: Baby Wipes - Whether you have a baby or not these sure come in handy as quick seat washers or sticky finger-fixers.

{six}: Music - As I mentioned above with the toys; Caleb loves listening to different songs.  Plus these silly songs are fun for everyone (but only if repeated twice only!)

{seven}: Books - Learning isn't just for at daycare, school, or at home.. children can learn everywhere!

{eight}: Boogie Wipes or Tissues: Runny noses beware!  Boogie wipes help noses so they don't become dry and sore like regular tissues do if used often.  Plus they smell good - even the "unscented" ones!

{nine . ten . eleven . twelve}

{nine}: Snacks for Mama - this recipe is the best!

{ten}: Water - never ever leave home without!

{eleven}: Hand Sanitizer - I don't know about you but my little monster gets into EVERYTHING.  Hand sanitizer is one of the most important things to always have around.  Plus the Babyganics brand is alcohol free so it doesn't burn chapped skin!

{twelve}: Spray Bottle - I don't know about where you live but it's dang hot in Texas almost year round!  I always keep a spray bottle with me either in the diaper bag or in the car empty and I just fill it up when Caleb and I go somewhere.  Totally helps to keep the heat on bay for a bit.  Plus if you have more than one child you can use it for fighting siblings - shocker factor right there!

{thirteen . fourteen . fifteen . sixteen}

{thirteen}: Emergency Kit - I'm sure we've all seen The Hills Have Eyes.. definitely not something I want to go through!  Anyway; vehicles break down (even if they're brand new) & things go wrong.  My car isn't the most reliable hence dying in the middle of traffic on a busy Monday morning on the way to work.  Thank goodness for the sweet State Trooper, the Firemen that blocked the entire road with their truck and pushed my car onto a side street, & my amazing Dad who left work in the middle of an important meeting with clients and bought/brought me a new battery & installed it too!  Always have an extra set of clothes, extra diapers, flashlights, and batteries handy.

{fourteen}: First Aid Kit - You never know when you or your child(ren) will need a band-aid!

{fifteen}: Portable DVD Player (head phones too) - Keeps the little ones entertained after the toys/books/music are wore out.  This is currently on Caleb's wishlist - if he doesn't get this for Christmas than I will buy one for him!

{sixteen}: Loose Change - For keeping the vehicle clean.  Bye-bye crumbs!


Granted there are a lot of things I missed ie: trash bag (DIY), blanket, & a car organizer (DIY).  But I hope this helps for the most part!

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