Sunday, March 3, 2013

Big Boy Car Seat

After going to the doctors office for shot #2 yesterday morning and finding out Caleb now weighs 21.8 pounds, we officially moved him to his big boy car seat (his baby car seat only held up to 22 pounds).  


I had mentioned that Caleb's Nana bought him this car seat for Christmas.  I wasn't too sure about the design at first but it grew on me.  So when it came time to buy a second (one for each vehicle) I didn't really want to drop $150 on the same seat or any car seat for that matter.  

Buuuutt.. he also received this baby food maker from his Auntie A & Uncle Z for Christmas.. unfortunately it was broken upon opening so I sent it back to Amazon and ended up with a gift card.  And since I'm a Amazon Mom.. which means I get free shipping on most baby items.  I combined the free shipping with the gift card and bought this car seat - which happens to be the exact same one that was bought at Target - but it ended up only costing $74!  Score!!

So we went from the Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat, which was a hand-me-down from his cousin Mallory.  & then we bought a second (for the other vehicle) at a second hand store for $40 - which turned out being brand new!  To the Safety 1st Complete Air 65 Protect Convertible Car Seat - big change to say the least!

{before pic} 


 {after pic}


Prior to installing the new car seat I read up on the reviews & the car seat manuel, which said in order to keep it rear-facing until the child is 40 pounds or too tall.  That it would need to be angled at least 30 degrees so babies aren't slumped over in it.  And in order to achieve that goal  to use either pool noodles (cut to make a pyramid shape) or rolled up towels.  

Well we live in Texas so the chance of stores selling pool noodles in the middle of February/beginning of March was a big fat zero percent - unless I went to a pool store and paid out the booty for one - nope.. not gonna happen!  Meanwhile, we tried the rolled up towels and they ended up just flattening after a few uses so I went to the smartest woman I know.. my Mom!

She thought about it for maybe 45 seconds and suggested a piece of PVC pipe.. seriously?!?!  Yep, we ended up using a 6 inch piece that was cut 13 inches long - covered it with a old towel so the pipe wouldn't scratch the seat itself or the seats in the car and boom!  It worked!!



Next project: attaching emergency info to the car seat in case of an accident.. never hurts to be prepared!

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