I love Target! I love Target so much that I shouldn't be allowed in the store let alone to walk under their florescent lights and look at everything - if I had gobs of money I'd probably be in Target (and Ikea) every single day! I always scope out the dollar bins upon arriving and today I got some great finds - one that I thought I would share.
Sweet boy and his new toy I scooped up for $3.88! Amazon sells this exact toy for almost $15 - what a bargain!!
..and I may or may not have splurged on more baskets and organizing/decorating things that I found in the dollar bins that I plan on using for future projects when we finally get our own place! But that's talk for another day. :)
Yesterday, Caleb's morning teacher at daycare mentioned that pink eye was going around the classroom and wouldn't you know his poor eyes were glued shut this morning with yellow goop.. *sigh*
After calling his pedi and speaking with the nurse we had a 2:30pm appointment scheduled to make sure he didn't have pink eye. Lo and behold.. no pink eye but he DOES have his THIRD ear infection (in the right ear and first in the left) *double sigh*
My poor little man can't catch a break - well since the first two rounds of oral antibiotics didn't work he was given a shot in the muscles in his thigh.. he will get a second shot tomorrow morning at 8:45am.. and the third/final Monday morning - what's a little more time off from work that I don't have???
If the shots don't work then he will need tubes. I've heard nothing but good things about tubes from other Mama friends but the thought of putting him under stinks - he's had to go through so much already in his short life. Here's to hoping the shots work!!
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