Once Caleb came home from the NICU, he started out sleeping in the cradle that my Dad hand-crafted for me when I was a baby. We would swaddle him tight and he would sleep the way a newborn does. He didn't end up liking the cradle too much as he was used to the plastic see through cradles he slept in while he was in the NICU. So we transitioned him to being swaddled in his crib - I'm pretty sure he was almost 2 months old the first time he slept in his crib.
From there he would nap just about anywhere but my & his most favorite place was my chest. He was so content listening to me breathe and my heart beat - and it was so comforting to me as well. Of course, certain people didn't approve of this and had to voice their concern and I had to slowly wean him and myself from doing this throughout the day since I was due back to work in about a month and of course the daycare that he would be going to at the time wouldn't do it.
Also, I would wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat searching for him within the blankets (thinking I had suffocated him) - when I knew full well he was asleep in his crib. Ben was convinced I was crazy at first but he looked into it and turns out this is normal.. HA!
Soon afterward we found out he suffered from silent acid reflux (I was convinced it was colic) - only thing that helped was feeding him upright and holding him upright 20 minutes after eating and basically having him sleep sitting up (like sitting in a car seat).
Therefore at night he would need to sleep either in his nap nanny or his swing - I'm still thanking whomever invented both of these amazing products. He couldn't lay down flat on his back because he was miserable - and we all know a miserable baby means miserable parents.. yep totally don't miss that stage. So between sleeping either in the nap nanny or swing he slept for 8+ hours throughout the night without waking up (even if he lost his paci).
Now, since he has grown out of the biggest swaddle they sell (we used it until he could break free within 10 minutes) - he now sleeps in a HALO sleepsack (over his jammies.. of course). But night time sleep has been disrupted every night at some point. Last night, he slept in the crib flat in his back or on his side until 4am then started to throw a fit until I buckled him into his swing. But that swing has a weight limit of 30 pounds and that's where I get worried, he's 8 pounds away from being too big and then what?!?!
I'm not sure - guess we will have to go with the punches.. Anyone have any ideas for us? Much appreciated!!
From there he would nap just about anywhere but my & his most favorite place was my chest. He was so content listening to me breathe and my heart beat - and it was so comforting to me as well. Of course, certain people didn't approve of this and had to voice their concern and I had to slowly wean him and myself from doing this throughout the day since I was due back to work in about a month and of course the daycare that he would be going to at the time wouldn't do it.
Also, I would wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat searching for him within the blankets (thinking I had suffocated him) - when I knew full well he was asleep in his crib. Ben was convinced I was crazy at first but he looked into it and turns out this is normal.. HA!
Soon afterward we found out he suffered from silent acid reflux (I was convinced it was colic) - only thing that helped was feeding him upright and holding him upright 20 minutes after eating and basically having him sleep sitting up (like sitting in a car seat).
Therefore at night he would need to sleep either in his nap nanny or his swing - I'm still thanking whomever invented both of these amazing products. He couldn't lay down flat on his back because he was miserable - and we all know a miserable baby means miserable parents.. yep totally don't miss that stage. So between sleeping either in the nap nanny or swing he slept for 8+ hours throughout the night without waking up (even if he lost his paci).
Now, since he has grown out of the biggest swaddle they sell (we used it until he could break free within 10 minutes) - he now sleeps in a HALO sleepsack (over his jammies.. of course). But night time sleep has been disrupted every night at some point. Last night, he slept in the crib flat in his back or on his side until 4am then started to throw a fit until I buckled him into his swing. But that swing has a weight limit of 30 pounds and that's where I get worried, he's 8 pounds away from being too big and then what?!?!
I'm not sure - guess we will have to go with the punches.. Anyone have any ideas for us? Much appreciated!!
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