Thursday, September 5, 2013

Is It Falloween Yet???

Sadly it's not.. I guess the temperature will have to fall below 100 degrees before I can even start considering it to be fall.. boo (pun unintended..HA)!

If you've ever browsed my pinterest boards you can probably tell that I LOVE holidays!  Unfortunately, since we are (have been for 2 years) cohabiting with Ben's Mom Teresa - I don't feel the need to dress up every room in the house.. but have no fear when we do buy our own home you better believe I'll have decorations here, there, and everywhere.. Ben just doesn't know.. yet!! 

Oh I wish we lived somewhere where we could see all four seasons - instead of just two..


On the thought of Falloween; Caleb and I were wandering (bad idea) through Hobby Lobby the other day looking for picture frames to give sweet pea's pictures to family members and we happened upon the Halloween aisle and I started freaking out.. what is Caleb going to be for Halloween?????

It'll be his first er second technically.. last year he was itty bitty and three months into being home from the hospital, I had just put him down to sleep, and I was swearing every time one of the ding-a-ling non-english speaking kids [whose parents parked along the road down the street and didn't even live in our neighborhood but were here for the "good candy" as opposed to the cheap.break.your.jaw candy in their ghetto 'hoods.. don't get me started] who kept ringing our doorbell over and over even though ALL the lights were off and we had a blanket over the front door glass so they couldn't see the light from down the hall.  I bet if I had gone out and hid in the bushes with a chainsaw OR if I somehow had made the doorbell light on fire  - they wouldn't have kept ringing the damn thing!

{throwback thursday - seems so long ago!}

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