Sunday, September 8, 2013

15 Months Old!

Age: 15 months
Stats: 28 lbs (97th percentile), 33 1/2 inches (99th percentile) 
Clothes: 2T & 3T (depends on the brand)
Shoe Size: 5.5 Wide or 6 Wide (depends on the brand)

Favorite Foods: Pasta, mashed potatoes, snapea crisps, broccoli, avocados, milk, tortillas, bananas, plums, pears, strawberries, & yogurt.
Allergies: Citrus - he breaks out with HORRIBLE diaper rash that stays for weeks!
Favorite Words: Mama, Dada, Nana, My (Mine), Ma (More), & Mimi (Grammi).
Favorite Songs: Rock-A-Bye Baby, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Bringing Home A Baby Bumble Bee, The Ants Go Marching, & Twinkle Twinkle.
Favorite Activities: Swimming/playing in water, riding in the shopping cart with Mama in Home Depot's wide open aisles, "helping" unload the dishwasher, bath time, getting toys out and putting them all back, walks around the neighborhood, swinging, playing in the garden/dirt, turning lights on and off, "talking" on the phone, playing peek-a-boo, lifting the lid & sitting on the potty, slamming doors, bringing your shoes to you, & playing with window blinds while they are closed. 
Milestones: Caleb can fully understand sentences & things we say; every morning after getting to school I tell him"Caleb, go take your socks and shoes to Ms. Connie or Ms. Sara so they can put them on you," he will take them from me.. go sit down in front of one of them and hand them his socks and shoes.. one smart cookie there!

He sleeps pretty well - although we are going through another rough patch of night terrors.  Most nights he sleeps from 7pm-7am with a 2 1/2 - 3 hour nap during the day.

He knows where his nose, eyes, tongue, hair, belly button, and mouth are.. total genius!!

This is our favorite age so far!

{peek-a-boo under the table}

{first time sitting on the potty}

{laundry basket fun!}

{talking on the phone}

Dislikes: Getting out of the pool, coming inside while someone is still outside, stopping at red lights/or stopping period while in the car, putting clothes on, diaper changes, wiping face clean, shopping (we have time to work on this!), the car seat, when you don't put your shoes on when he brings them to you, & the word "No."

Next up 15 month favorites..

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