Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Medical Emergencies

A lot of things happened in the early months;

- Caleb caught croup at 3 months old.  We had to call the ambulance and he was admitted into Dell Children's Hospital for 1 day & 1 night.  That was the scariest night ever - he was so small and couldn't breathe and was coughing funny.


- He had to have a sonogram of his head at 6 months old because they thought he had a case of hydrocephalus that luckily ended up being negative - he just has big brains!  The sonogram tech had awesome patience because he was fighting Ben and I hand and foot!!

- He had croup again at 9 months old, this time we didn't have to go to the hospital just to see his pedi who gave us medicine and told us that whenever he gets sick he'll most likely have the yucky croup cough.

- When he was around a year old; he had to have tubes put into his ears due to more ear infections than I can count on one hand!  Thankfully the tubes are still in and working their magic everyday!

- One night when he was a year and half old; he had gone to sleep and woke up screaming bloody murder - nothing we tried would calm him down.  We thought he was having another night terror thing but the screaming continued even after the lights were turned on and he finally woke up.  After an hour of the screaming we knew something wasn't right and he was in pain - we called the ambulance. 

 We were rushed to the hospital, only to sit in a waiting room for the next two hours with a still screaming child.  When the doctor finally examined him and got our sides of the story - she stated that he had intussusception.  He had to have ultrasounds done of his abdomen and then had to do an air-contrast enema.  He was strapped onto a board with a air hose taped to his hiney.  They literally had to blow him up with air to get the piece of his large intestine to dislodge itself from where it was stuck.  As soon as that happened he was back to his happy self - with lots of gas..


I'm sure there'll be more issues since he is only 2 and a rough n' tough little boy!

It breaks my heart to read about what children go through when they have a disease and I count our blessings everyday!  I give all kinds of high fives to the families who have medical emergencies weekly - if not daily! I sit here and say I couldn't do that day after day but I know if it were our life - we'd do it in a heartbeat for our little man!

Caleb is happy and healthy and that's all that matters!!  I'll continue to hold him close - even when he tries to squirm away.  & kiss him in front of everyone because I know the time will come when he'll tell me, "that's not cool!"  Until then my life and heart will be completely full!!

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