Age: 16 months
Stats: 30 lbs
Clothes: Bottoms: 18-24 months Tops: 2T & 3T (depends on the brand)
Shoe Size: 7 Wide
Favorite Foods: Mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, snapea crisps, avocado, milk, bread, bananas, pears, & yogurt.
Allergies: Citrus - he breaks out with HORRIBLE diaper rash that stays for weeks!
Favorite Words: My (Mine), Ma (More), & Nack (Snack).
Favorite Songs: Silent Night, Bringing Home A Baby Bumble Bee, The Ants Go Marching, & Choo Choo.
Favorite Activities: "Helping" unload the dishwasher, bath time, magnets on the fridge/dishwasher, walks to get the mail, swinging, playing with his pee pee during diaper changes, when Dada throws him into the air, playing in the garden/dirt, turning lights on and off, hiding and playing peek-a-boo, sharing toilet paper, slamming doors closed, & playing with window blinds when they are closed.
He sleeps great! I'm currently trying to wean him from his nighttime bottle -- it needs to be gone before he's 17 months.. I'm a procrastinator. But in all honesty he's currently cutting 8 teeth and some days he eats better than others so I don't want to put him to bed starving from not eating well at dinner due to his teeth hurting. I know.. I'm a sucker -- I swear it's written on my forehead in glow-in-the-dark ink.
He knows where his nose, eyes, toes, fingers, feet, hands, tongue, hair, belly button, and mouth are.. total genius!!
This is our favorite age so far [minus the tantrums that he throws in the most non-convenient places ie. Walmart]!
{my main squeeze}
{riding Daddy like a horse on Nana's bed}
{mid-morning "nack"}
{he LOVES headbands}
Dislikes: Coming inside while someone is still outside, stopping at red lights/or stopping period while in the car, putting clothes on, taking shoes off, diaper changes, gum bubbles, wiping his face clean, the car seat, & the word "No."
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