Sunday, September 15, 2013

For The Love Of Stride Rite

..yep the shoe store!
not sure about your youngin' but C-man has fat feet and Stride Rite seems to be the only shoe store that provides the width we need - by width I mean double wide like a mobile home!!

& lucky for us since C-man's feet seem to grow every month they have a loyalty program which includes:

* $10 Reward for every $75 you spend (how hard is this??)
* Free Shipping on orders over $35.00 at
* Invitations for members-only offers
* Member updates & fit reminders
* A Welcome Kit with over $100 in savings from other Friends (other companies) of Stride Rite

Needless to say they love us!  We have three pairs of shoes that C only wore a few times - granted those are also for sale on craigslist.


Anywho, this morning C and I went for a walk around the hood - well I should rephrase.. we went for a walk to the park.  Then after playing (sweating) there for awhile and C getting mad that he couldn't walk under certain parts of the structure without bumping his head we continued along with a walk around the hood.  

Once we finally got home I discovered we had lost one of C's shoes along the way.  I asked Teresa to watch C while I went to look for it; she agreed so off I went in the car searching for the lost shoe.. I ended up at home with empty hands.  I was dreading the thought of having to go to SR to buy C another pair of shoes on a Sunday when both the mall & outlet malls are a zoo!  

I didn't give up my search there though; I decided to run/walk the exact route we came and thank goodness I found the dang shoe in someone's front lawn.  Lawn so tall that it reached my shins.. seriously mow that sh** so I can find my sons shoe without taking the extra energy to run to find it!  

I'm surprised the home owners association let the length of their grass grow that high.. but maybe they had some say so because when we were coming home from dinner I noticed that they had mowed their lawn..about time people!!

Normally this kind of stuff wouldn't bother me but seriously we live in Texas and it was 500 bajillion degrees out and SO humid at 10:30am!   If I needed exercise prior I don't now!  Needless to say when I arrived home.. I promptly laid on the floor underneath the fan to try to cool off only to have C come over and jump on me.. seriously he thinks anything and everything is funny these days..


But if I hadn't found his lost shoe and was forced to go to SR to buy a new pair I would have gotten these bad boys..

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