Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Night Before Easter

Well a lot has happened since I last posted.. 

Caleb had a sonogram of his head at Dell Children's Hospital which turned out to be good news instead of bad - no hydrocephalus for us - thank goodness! 

He has been walking in his walker going 90 miles a minute it seems!  He will follow us around wherever we go - and I mean wherever.. I tried taking a shower and he was hitting the door crying for me.

He has started saying "Dada, Baba, and Mama" - but only says Mama when he's tired and wants to be rocked. 

I caught the flu and had to stay away from him for 3 days - have been re-cooperating since, still not over the crud but the worst is past.

Tomorrow is Easter and I have Ben and Caleb's Easter baskets all together and ready to go.  Pictures to come tomorrow. :)

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